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Day One Importer

·229 words·2 mins
Alex Haslam
Alex Haslam
I’m an engineer based in London, with expertise in optimisation, machine learning and simulation.

A few years ago, I started a daily journal habit. I found that preferred to do this digitally because my hand-writing is terrible, and it is easier to look back when compared to a paper notebook. Initially I used the Journey app because:

  • It was the only cross-platform option at the time (via the web app)
  • It was a lot cheaper than the alternatives (since there was a one-off payment option)

Once I switched to using primarily Apple devices, I decided to take a look again at the different options. Although I liked Journey, it did not have the same polish as Day One, so I made the switch. I had around 2 years of journal entries to migrate, but whilst Day One offers Journey import on Android1, they don’t on MacOS or iOS. This meant that, rather frustratingly and unnecessarily, my data was stuck in Journey

Therefore I decided to create my own tool to perform the migrate automatically. Fortunately Day One and Journey both store their entries in JSON format under the hood. Once I reverse engineered the schema (with some trial and error), the conversion logic was relatively simple. The code is open source and available at the repo below.


Python script to convert Journey diary entries to Day One format


  1. So the developer clearly already knows how to import the data. ↩︎